quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Contas de somar e subtrair

70%/30% partnership of my intelectual property with a legit partner that can add what I don't have - resources and dry land is better than 100% of my Intellectual Property in the hands of my parasites/entrepreneurs/innovators/doctorships, don't you think??? I know I do!!!
Just have to keep asking to Santa... preferably he will answer before the champs in my intestine legalize it, the way a crook that picks wallets do create a distraction with one hand while robbing the wallet from the pocket with the other... oldest trick in the book of crooks, but still effective, depending on where you are... and in a shit hole its the parasites that have all the advantages... specially the ones that operate in the right side of the law... its a win win if you're one of them... 
I guees that's why they desperatly need General Archivers  to the place of General Attourneys and incompetent delegates to conduct legal processes... if one fails to archive, the other makes sure the process has a legal error so that an expensive lawyer (one must share the wealth) can file for the annulment of the process... It must be great to be a champ in a place like this... I'm so full of envy right now...!!!
And thinking that an electromagnetic cascade combined with a design trick would solve my tiny Gpag II problem...

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