terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2022

Don't you want to know?

This text was originaly posted on the subreddit r/gangstalking but it was removed and I got banned under the argument first that I was advocating rape, and then because it was repulsive language... to witch I asked what is more repulsive, the behaviour of a parasitic like criminial organization that operates under the blessing of the state, or the language used to describe it... I'm waiting for the response until this day, more than a month later... 

I guess the mods of the reddit are more interested in publishing endless complaints from destabilized targeted individuals than publishing shake up calls to rally and to fight back this parasites at the service of the (state)...

Don't you want to know?

Did you ever stopped to think who are the "mack daddies" of nations and their patriot wh*res always ready to sell their c*nts for their country to the highest bidder as long as he or she are members of "mack daddy's" clientele, who, so arrogantly claimed for themselves the right to override the Constitution and the Law (the official one) at their whims and decreed that you and I were no longer entitled to your born rights guaranteed by the highest law of our countries?

I did! But I arrived to the conclusion that the answer can only be obtained by one of two ways: either buying a few of them patriot wh*res, or grab them by their c*nts when they are providing their patriotic service...

Unfortunately, the first is out of question for obvious reasons that all targets of organized stalking are well aware of. The second one, you can't do it alone, plain and simple. You need to get organized, you need connections... And when you are a target of this "patriots" 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you definitely need an organization to support you...

So, my question is: When the f*ck are we gonna stop crying and winning, pretending like if we are some sort of warriors fighting and resisting the system, by thinking that is enough posting stuff after stuff of winning sh*t and pseudo proofs on the social networks like if someone gives a sh*t?

Well here are some news flash for you guys, most of the people knows to some degree how these "patriot" c*nts are serving their countries... In fact, a surprising number of them ordinary citizens willingly - and this is the knock out - participate for free in their schemes, just because they are led to think that they are part of the caste, or defending a just cause or just because the share the same character flaws... like if just causes are defended by national heroes that fight for their countries with their spine bend in the enemy's asshole wit a succubus in their mouths and a fancy megaphone in their hands... but hey, its the XXI century so, who knows?

Most of the others don't give half a sh*t, unless they become a target themselves. They are too busy scrolling down and following their shepherds...

By the way, do any of you really think that these type of operation would pass unnoticed of every authority and every public servant in our countries for years without not a single one of them knowing and do nothing if they weren't ordered to?

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2022

Quantas são?

Estou sempre a perguntar aos meus parasitas por cagar que estão de serviço destacados a comer-me do cu ao serviço da pátria, mas nunco obtive uma resposta. E é uma pergunta relativamente simples de responder... Presumo que seja segredo de estado, matéria de interesse nacional:

Quantas putas dos 3 P's (as que vendem a Pita, a Profissão e a Pátria ao querido proxeneta ou a clientela dele) e estou a referir-me em particular às putas que desempenham cargos em serviços públicos, têem que vender a cona para que eles - os novos heróis nacionais - os parasitas por cagar que defendem os interesses do chulo, digo da pátria, possam estar aí prostrados bem protegidinhos atrás da cagalheira com uma ventosa de 3 milhões numa mão e um megafone na outra a comer-me do cu pelo buraco de fechadura para depois regurgitar ao resto da cagadeira, a cada um segundo o seu estatuto na dita cuja, à 17 anos non stop? Só as que vendem a cona, não as que a dão... devem ser bem menos... digo eu... ou não havia creditozinho que sustentasse aqui o buraco... 

Talvez agora quem sabe, duma maneira ou de outra, me respondam à pergunta... presumo que com tanta puta séria a ter ido pra universiade aprender a vender a cona ao proxeneta certo e a dobar a espinha no olho do cu certo pela pátria, não deve ser dificil responder... com a espinha direita e as pernas fechadinhas, digo...