quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2021

I think I will start to think like a winner of a 21st century 1st world shithole...

 Y'all know the saying "if you can't beat them, join them?"

Well I may very well seeing all this parasite/host relation thing in modern 1st world western state of law shitholes - and guests - the wrong way: 

Since I very much suspect that my parasites have made themselves for the last 16 years at my expenses the "Kardashians" of all the parasites with "pedigree" of the western shit holes -and guests - and therefore, making me one of the 1st globalized hosts of this caste (I really hope I got it wrong on this one, but the fact that I am writing it is not a good sign), following the logic of  "or we all eat, or none will", of course all done under the most strict legal and legitimate rules, without clashing with none of their noble values and laws, I realized that I might be missing the point here: What is the main and most fundamental defining premise of a modern western state of law? That all, including high society parasites with pedigree are equal by the law. The law is supreme and rules all... So if this is true,  and what parasites with pedigree are doing - without even trying to hide it - without legal repercussions of what so ever, in fact the law representatives are all too willing to protect their wrights to do so, why the fuck am I not doing the exact same thing? Ok, its true that I don't have a $3 million succubus capable of reading the host's sub vocal speech from the safety of a 500 meter distance or to put it blatantly, read the hosts bio metrics values and correlate them with every word in the vocabulary having access this way to his thoughts, or do I benefit from the protection, access to pretty much every infrastructure and whore of the pimps shithole, I mean state of law,  guess what, financed by the - that's wright -  state of law, mainly because I am note a parasite with pedigree, or even a few $50k Lrad and free access to cellular antennas and the v2k technology, but nevertheless I am still a citizen of this shit hole, I mean state of law and therefore I am intitled to the very same wrights that those parasites with pedigree have...

So, these gave me an idea: How about although I do not need it (I will explain why later) arm myself with a cheap megafone on one hand and a cheap succubus on the other, and go to the government office responsible for attributing subsidies to the innovators/entrepreneurs champs with pedigree that innovate and entrepreneur..ate after go bending their spines either directly on my asshole through my keyhole, or indirectly by bending their spines through what I call 1st line parasites - the parasites whose only function in the shit hole, I mean sate of law, is to suck 24/7 the host's intestines and then feed what I call the second line parasites - the ones with pedigree - with all the shit and -specially - nutrients that allow them to innovate/entrepreneur...ate, all of this at the expenses of the host and the shit hole, I mean state of law...

Yeah, it's growing on me... and the best part is I can save the subsidy I am entitled to by having the iniciative of finding a suitable host, mounting camp on his intestine, and start sucking 24/7, and then processing all that stuff, cataloging it with hashtags related to subject, field, and shit like that... Imagine 20 plus years years of shit and nutrients collected... that really wasn't collected because I created it, remember? that's the genius of the thing... I collect for shit that I didn't need to suck and collect to to, like some champs with pedigree and Midas talent, transform some of that shit in gold, or in another words, innovate... easy cash in the bank...

All I need to do is, arrive at the site government's agency, applying saying: Hey mr. government agent, I found a host that is rich in a hole lot of shit and nutrients and I took the initiative of starting a venture by sucking his guts out, and I come up with very promising shit and nutrients that can make of me a serious entrepreneur slash innovator... I want to apply for champions credit and a free PRR subsidy... Now there's a small hiccup on this plan: I am not a Doctor, so I have to give a little colour to my applying form and say I am a professor doctor formed at Instituto superior tecnico or maybe with a little boldness at MIT... 

I have looked at this genious plan from all the angles I could think of, and Idon't see how, at the light of the current modus operandi  of the creme de la creme of 1st world shit hole, I mean state of law, this plan can go wrong... after all they are doing it for the last 16 years...

After all we're talking of modern sophisticated sates of law, not some parasite's feud...

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